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Michael Coley's Photo Gallery - Israel - Excavations


An aquaduct recently uncovered that went from Mt. Carmel 13 miles to Caesarea on the Mediteranean Sea.

A closer view. Caesarea is on the west coast of Israel, north of Tel Aviv.


Pretty big, isn't it?

This is the view from the top of Masada, a mountain fortress built by Herod. Almost 1000 Jews held out here for nearly three years against 12 legions of Roman soldiers (10,000 men) after Jerusalem fell in 70 AD. Here you can see the (square shaped) excavation of the camp of one of the 12 legions of Roman soldiers. Masada is southeast of Jerusalem, near the Dead Sea.


This is the view down the side of the mountain, overlooking Herod's three-level palace. You can see another Roman camp below.

These are some huge rocks catapulted up by the Romans. They finally captured Masada by using slaves to build a ramp up the side of the mountain. The ramp took 18 months to build. Since the mountain is almost 1000 feet straight up, they couldn't climb it any other way.


Here I am floating in the Dead Sea. The mineral content of the water is so high that you can't sink even if you try!

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