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Wall Street Mergers

Direct From the Wall Street General: New Mergers Announced:

Xerox and Wurlitzer: They're going to make reproductive organs

Fairchild Electronics and Honeywell Computers: New company will be called Fairwell Honeychild

Polygram records, Warner Brothers and Keebler: new company will be called Poly Warner Cracker

W.R. Grace Co., Fuller Brush Co., Mary Kay Cosmetics and Hale Business Systems: New company will be called Hale Mary Fuller Grace

3M and Goodyear: New company will be called mmmGood

John Deere and Abitibi-Price: new company will be called Deere Abi

Honeywell, Imasco, and Home Oil: New company will be called Honey I'm Home

Denison Mines, Alliance and Metal Mining: New company will be called Mine, All Mine

3M, J.C. Penney and Canadian Opera Company: New company will be called 3 Penney Opera

Grey Poupon and Dockers Pants: New company will be called Poupon Pants

Knott's Berry Farm and National organization of Women: New company will be called Knott NOW!

Zippo Manufacturing, Audi, Dofasco, and Dakota Mining: New company will be called Zip Audi Do-Da

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