Palm Beach County Residency Application

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Palm Beach County Residency Application

This questionnaire is used to ensure that the applicant for residency will assimilate into the type of community that we here, in Palm Beach County, have strived to create.

1) In which direction is this arrow pointing? ====>
[ ] Left
[ ] Down
[ ] Up
[ ] Don't know
[ ] All of the above

2) The word "Gore" is spelled:
[ ] B-U-S-H
[ ] B-U-C-H-A-N-A-N
[ ] All of the above
[ ] Don't know

3) While entering a parking lot, you notice that the lane you are about to drive into has large white arrows painted in it, and that the arrows are pointing TOWARDS you. You should:
[ ] Continue driving in the direction you are going, then file a lawsuit in Federal court because the parking lot has caused too much confusion.
[ ] Call Jesse Jackson, and have a rally against the injustice the parking lot is creating.

4) A "One Way" sign pointing in this direction (<====) means:
[ ] Keep going straight
[ ] Turn right, the sign is illegal.

5) Florida State is playing Miami. You should root for:
[ ] Notre Dame
[ ] Michigan
[ ] Notre Dame during the game, then complain about Miami losing after the game is over.
[ ] Miami, then complain about Florida State losing after the game is over.

6) At the end of the Miami - Florida State game, Miami wins by one point. Which of the following statements apply:
[ ] Demand a recount
[ ] Demand another recount
[ ] Demand a third recount
[ ] Demand that the game be replayed until Florida State wins.
[ ] All of the above
[ ] None of the above (only applicable if applying for temporary residence)

Thank you for applying for residency in Palm Beach County.*

* Note: 19,000 applications are thrown away every year for marking more than one answer to any of the above questions.

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