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52 Week Bible Reading Plan

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Friday: Jeremiah 47-52
Saturday: Luke 7-8
Sunday: Galatians 1-3
Monday, April 28, 2025
The Books of the Law
Exodus 37-40
Tuesday: I Kings 5-9
Wednesday: Psalms 66-68
Thursday: Proverbs 2-3

Exodus 37

Now Bezalel made the ark of acacia wood; its length was two and a half cubits, and its width one and a half cubits, and its height one and a half cubits;
and he overlaid it with pure gold inside and out, and made a gold molding for it all around.
He cast four rings of gold for it on its four feet; even two rings on one side of it, and two rings on the other side of it.
He made poles of acacia wood and overlaid them with gold.
He put the poles into the rings on the sides of the ark, to carry it.
He made a mercy seat of pure gold, two and a half cubits long and one and a half cubits wide.
He made two cherubim of gold; he made them of hammered work at the two ends of the mercy seat;
one cherub at the one end and one cherub at the other end; he made the cherubim of one piece with the mercy seat at the two ends.
The cherubim had their wings spread upward, covering the mercy seat with their wings, with their faces toward each other; the faces of the cherubim were toward the mercy seat.
Then he made the table of acacia wood, two cubits long and a cubit wide and one and a half cubits high.
He overlaid it with pure gold, and made a gold molding for it all around.
He made a rim for it of a handbreadth all around, and made a gold molding for its rim all around.
He cast four gold rings for it and put the rings on the four corners that were on its four feet.
Close by the rim were the rings, the holders for the poles to carry the table.
He made the poles of acacia wood and overlaid them with gold, to carry the table.
He made the utensils which were on the table, its dishes and its pans and its bowls and its jars, with which to pour out drink offerings, of pure gold.
Then he made the lampstand of pure gold. He made the lampstand of hammered work, its base and its shaft; its cups, its bulbs and its flowers were of one piece with it.
There were six branches going out of its sides; three branches of the lampstand from the one side of it and three branches of the lampstand from the other side of it;
three cups shaped like almond blossoms, a bulb and a flower in one branch, and three cups shaped like almond blossoms, a bulb and a flower in the other branchso for the six branches going out of the lampstand.
In the lampstand there were four cups shaped like almond blossoms, its bulbs and its flowers;
and a bulb was under the first pair of branches coming out of it, and a bulb under the second pair of branches coming out of it, and a bulb under the third pair of branches coming out of it, for the six branches coming out of the lampstand.
Their bulbs and their branches were of one piece with it; the whole of it was a single hammered work of pure gold.
He made its seven lamps with its snuffers and its trays of pure gold.
He made it and all its utensils from a talent of pure gold.
Then he made the altar of incense of acacia wood: a cubit long and a cubit wide, square, and two cubits high; its horns were of one piece with it.
He overlaid it with pure gold, its top and its sides all around, and its horns; and he made a gold molding for it all around.
he made two golden rings for it under its molding, on its two sideson opposite sidesas holders for poles with which to carry it.
He made the poles of acacia wood and overlaid them with gold.
And he made the holy anointing oil and the pure, fragrant incense of spices, the work of a perfumer. 38

Exodus 38

Then he made the altar of burnt offering of acacia wood, five cubits long, and five cubits wide, square, and three cubits high.
He made its horns on its four corners, its horns being of one piece with it, and he overlaid it with bronze.
He made all the utensils of the altar, the pails and the shovels and the basins, the flesh hooks and the firepans; he made all its utensils of bronze.
He made for the altar a grating of bronze network beneath, under its ledge, reaching halfway up.
He cast four rings on the four ends of the bronze grating as holders for the poles.
He made the poles of acacia wood and overlaid them with bronze.
He inserted the poles into the rings on the sides of the altar, with which to carry it. He made it hollow with planks.
Moreover, he made the laver of bronze with its base of bronze, from the mirrors of the serving women who served at the doorway of the tent of meeting.
Then he made the court: for the south side the hangings of the court were of fine twisted linen, one hundred cubits;
their twenty pillars, and their twenty sockets, made of bronze; the hooks of the pillars and their bands were of silver.
For the north side there were one hundred cubits; their twenty pillars and their twenty sockets were of bronze, the hooks of the pillars and their bands were of silver.
For the west side there were hangings of fifty cubits with their ten pillars and their ten sockets; the hooks of the pillars and their bands were of silver.
For the east side fifty cubits.
The hangings for the one side of the gate were fifteen cubits, with their three pillars and their three sockets,
and so for the other side. On both sides of the gate of the court were hangings of fifteen cubits, with their three pillars and their three sockets.
All the hangings of the court all around were of fine twisted linen.
The sockets for the pillars were of bronze, the hooks of the pillars and their bands, of silver; and the overlaying of their tops, of silver, and all the pillars of the court were furnished with silver bands.
The screen of the gate of the court was the work of the weaver, of blue and purple and scarlet material and fine twisted linen. And the length was twenty cubits and the height was five cubits, corresponding to the hangings of the court.
Their four pillars and their four sockets were of bronze; their hooks were of silver, and the overlaying of their tops and their bands were of silver.
All the pegs of the tabernacle and of the court all around were of bronze.
This is the number of the things for the tabernacle, the tabernacle of the testimony, as they were numbered according to the command of Moses, for the service of the Levites, by the hand of Ithamar the son of Aaron the priest.
Now Bezalel the son of Uri, the son of Hur, of the tribe of Judah, made all that the LORD had commanded Moses.
With him was Oholiab the son of Ahisamach, of the tribe of Dan, an engraver and a skillful workman and a weaver in blue and in purple and in scarlet material, and fine linen.
All the gold that was used for the work, in all the work of the sanctuary, even the gold of the wave offering, was 29 talents and 730 shekels, according to the shekel of the sanctuary.
The silver of those of the congregation who were numbered was 100 talents and 1,775 shekels, according to the shekel of the sanctuary;
a beka a head (that is, half a shekel according to the shekel of the sanctuary), for each one who passed over to those who were numbered, from twenty years old and upward, for 603,550 men.
The hundred talents of silver were for casting the sockets of the sanctuary and the sockets of the veil; one hundred sockets for the hundred talents, a talent for a socket.
Of the 1,775 shekels, he made hooks for the pillars and overlaid their tops and made bands for them.
The bronze of the wave offering was 70 talents and 2,400 shekels.
With it he made the sockets to the doorway of the tent of meeting, and the bronze altar and its bronze grating, and all the utensils of the altar,
and the sockets of the court all around and the sockets of the gate of the court, and all the pegs of the tabernacle and all the pegs of the court all around. 39

Exodus 39

Moreover, from the blue and purple and scarlet material, they made finely woven garments for ministering in the holy place as well as the holy garments which were for Aaron, just as the LORD had commanded Moses.
He made the ephod of gold, and of blue and purple and scarlet material, and fine twisted linen.
Then they hammered out gold sheets and cut them into threads to be woven in with the blue and the purple and the scarlet material, and the fine linen, the work of a skillful workman.
They made attaching shoulder pieces for the ephod; it was attached at its two upper ends.
The skillfully woven band which was on it was like its workmanship, of the same material: of gold and of blue and purple and scarlet material, and fine twisted linen, just as the LORD had commanded Moses.
They made the onyx stones, set in gold filigree settings; they were engraved like the engravings of a signet, according to the names of the sons of Israel.
And he placed them on the shoulder pieces of the ephod, as memorial stones for the sons of Israel, just as the LORD had commanded Moses.
He made the breastpiece, the work of a skillful workman, like the workmanship of the ephod: of gold and of blue and purple and scarlet material and fine twisted linen.
It was square; they made the breastpiece folded double, a span long and a span wide when folded double.
And they mounted four rows of stones on it. The first row was a row of ruby, topaz, and emerald;
and the second row, a turquoise, a sapphire and a diamond;
and the third row, a jacinth, an agate, and an amethyst;
and the fourth row, a beryl, an onyx, and a jasper. They were set in gold filigree settings when they were mounted.
The stones were corresponding to the names of the sons of Israel; they were twelve, corresponding to their names, engraved with the engravings of a signet, each with its name for the twelve tribes.
They made on the breastpiece chains like cords, of twisted cordage work in pure gold.
They made two gold filigree settings and two gold rings, and put the two rings on the two ends of the breastpiece.
Then they put the two gold cords in the two rings at the ends of the breastpiece.
they put the other two ends of the two cords on the two filigree settings, and put them on the shoulder pieces of the ephod at the front of it.
They made two gold rings and placed them on the two ends of the breastpiece, on its inner edge which was next to the ephod.
Furthermore, they made two gold rings and placed them on the bottom of the two shoulder pieces of the ephod, on the front of it, close to the place where it joined, above the woven band of the ephod.
They bound the breastpiece by its rings to the rings of the ephod with a blue cord, so that it would be on the woven band of the ephod, and that the breastpiece would not come loose from the ephod, just as the LORD had commanded Moses.
Then he made the robe of the ephod of woven work, all of blue;
and the opening of the robe was at the top in the center, as the opening of a coat of mail, with a binding all around its opening, so that it would not be torn.
They made pomegranates of blue and purple and scarlet material and twisted linen on the hem of the robe.
They also made bells of pure gold, and put the bells between the pomegranates all around on the hem of the robe,
alternating a bell and a pomegranate all around on the hem of the robe for the service, just as the LORD had commanded Moses.
They made the tunics of finely woven linen for Aaron and his sons,
and the turban of fine linen, and the decorated caps of fine linen, and the linen breeches of fine twisted linen,
and the sash of fine twisted linen, and blue and purple and scarlet material, the work of the weaver, just as the LORD had commanded Moses.
They made the plate of the holy crown of pure gold, and inscribed it like the engravings of a signet, "Holy to the LORD.'
They fastened a blue cord to it, to fasten it on the turban above, just as the LORD had commanded Moses.
Thus all the work of the tabernacle of the tent of meeting was completed; and the sons of Israel did according to all that the LORD had commanded Moses; so they did.
They brought the tabernacle to Moses, the tent and all its furnishings: its clasps, its boards, its bars, and its pillars and its sockets;
and the covering of rams' skins dyed red, and the covering of porpoise skins, and the screening veil;
the ark of the testimony and its poles and the mercy seat;
the table, all its utensils, and the bread of the Presence;
the pure gold lampstand, with its arrangement of lamps and all its utensils, and the oil for the light;
and the gold altar, and the anointing oil and the fragrant incense, and the veil for the doorway of the tent;
the bronze altar and its bronze grating, its poles and all its utensils, the laver and its stand;
the hangings for the court, its pillars and its sockets, and the screen for the gate of the court, its cords and its pegs and all the equipment for the service of the tabernacle, for the tent of meeting;
the woven garments for ministering in the holy place and the holy garments for Aaron the priest and the garments of his sons, to minister as priests.
So the sons of Israel did all the work according to all that the LORD had commanded Moses.
And Moses examined all the work and behold, they had done it; just as the LORD had commanded, this they had done. So Moses blessed them. 40

Exodus 40

Then the LORD spoke to Moses, saying,
" On the first day of the first month you shall set up the tabernacle of the tent of meeting.
" You shall place the ark of the testimony there, and you shall screen the ark with the veil.
"You shall bring in the table and arrange what belongs on it; and you shall bring in the lampstand and mount its lamps.
"Moreover, you shall set the gold altar of incense before the ark of the testimony, and set up the veil for the doorway to the tabernacle.
"You shall set the altar of burnt offering in front of the doorway of the tabernacle of the tent of meeting.
"You shall set the laver between the tent of meeting and the altar and put water in it.
"You shall set up the court all around and hang up the veil for the gateway of the court.
"Then you shall take the anointing oil and anoint the tabernacle and all that is in it, and shall consecrate it and all its furnishings; and it shall be holy.
"You shall anoint the altar of burnt offering and all its utensils, and consecrate the altar, and the altar shall be most holy.
"You shall anoint the laver and its stand, and consecrate it.
"Then you shall bring Aaron and his sons to the doorway of the tent of meeting and wash them with water.
" You shall put the holy garments on Aaron and anoint him and consecrate him, that he may minister as a priest to Me.
"You shall bring his sons and put tunics on them;
and you shall anoint them even as you have anointed their father, that they may minister as priests to Me; and their anointing will qualify them for a perpetual priesthood throughout their generations.'
Thus Moses did; according to all that the LORD had commanded him, so he did.
Now in the first month of the second year, on the first day of the month, the tabernacle was erected.
Moses erected the tabernacle and laid its sockets, and set up its boards, and inserted its bars and erected its pillars.
He spread the tent over the tabernacle and put the covering of the tent on top of it, just as the LORD had commanded Moses.
Then he took the testimony and put it into the ark, and attached the poles to the ark, and put the mercy seat on top of the ark.
He brought the ark into the tabernacle, and set up a veil for the screen, and screened off the ark of the testimony, just as the LORD had commanded Moses.
Then he put the table in the tent of meeting on the north side of the tabernacle, outside the veil.
He set the arrangement of bread in order on it before the LORD, just as the LORD had commanded Moses.
Then he placed the lampstand in the tent of meeting, opposite the table, on the south side of the tabernacle.
He lighted the lamps before the LORD, just as the LORD had commanded Moses.
Then he placed the gold altar in the tent of meeting in front of the veil;
and he burned fragrant incense on it, just as the LORD had commanded Moses.
Then he set up the veil for the doorway of the tabernacle.
He set the altar of burnt offering before the doorway of the tabernacle of the tent of meeting, and offered on it the burnt offering and the meal offering, just as the LORD had commanded Moses.
He placed the laver between the tent of meeting and the altar and put water in it for washing.
From it Moses and Aaron and his sons washed their hands and their feet.
When they entered the tent of meeting, and when they approached the altar, they washed, just as the LORD had commanded Moses.
He erected the court all around the tabernacle and the altar, and hung up the veil for the gateway of the court. Thus Moses finished the work.
Then the cloud covered the tent of meeting, and the glory of the LORD filled the tabernacle.
Moses was not able to enter the tent of meeting because the cloud had settled on it, and the glory of the LORD filled the tabernacle.
Throughout all their journeys whenever the cloud was taken up from over the tabernacle, the sons of Israel would set out;
but if the cloud was not taken up, then they did not set out until the day when it was taken up.
For throughout all their journeys, the cloud of the LORD was on the tabernacle by day, and there was fire in it by night, in the sight of all the house of Israel.

Scripture taken from the New American Standard Bible®, Copyright © The Lockman Foundation 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995. Used by permission.

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